Hazard Register

Hazard Register report will provide you a summary view of hazard assessments for all process/tasks in the organisation.

Report will be grouped by; Directorate, Business Unit, Service Profile

Following fields are available in the report




Process/Task title

Responsible Officer

The primary responsible officer

Highest Risk rating

Highest rating out off all risk ratings for hazard assessments under the process/task

For each Process/Task below fields are displayed in a grid


Hazard and Sub- hazard. List all hazards/sub hazards linked to the process /task

Risk Rating

Latest risk rating for hazard assessment (for the period selected)

Last reviewed date

The last date that the assessment is reviewed (for the period selected)

Last Reviewed by

The user who conducted the last review (for the period selected)

Existing controls

Linked controls in bullet point form.

Outstanding Actions

Any pending actions (not completed) from the action plan listed in bullet point form







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Last revised: December 01, 2015